Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are cancelled for 1/21/2025 and delayed opening 1/22/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.

Home School and Non-public School Students

New home school and nonpublic school students and their parents should follow the steps below to get started at Lakeland in the CCP program.

  1. Attend a high school CCP information session.
  2. Create an OH | ID accountDue April 1
  3. Start the CCP Funding Application – Due April 1
    • Review the Funding Application Manual.
    • The Intent to Participate form is part of the funding application.
    • To complete the funding application, you will need to upload a college acceptance letter (you will receive this in step 9).
  4. Submit a CCP application with Lakeland Community College.
    • Create an account
    • Complete the CCP Application
      • Social Security number is required
      • Be sure to select student type "College Credit Plus Applicant"
      • When prompted with question "Have you graduated high school?," make sure to select answer "No, I am still currently in high school."
      • If you are unsure about your Academic Program, you can select "Associate of Arts". Note, this can always be changed later.
  5. Submit your high school transcript or middle school report card to Lakeland's CCP Office at
  6. Complete this linked permission slip with a parent signature, and email it to the CCP Office at
  7. Determine Eligibility and Placement:
    • Students entering grades 10, 11 or 12 with an unweighted, cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or above will be admitted into the CCP program without taking a placement test. For more information, read the Math and English placement summary.
    • Or submit qualifying ACT or SAT scores
    • Or take Lakeland's Next-Generation Accuplacer Writing test
    • For more information about the placement test, please visit our CCP Placement Test webpage.
  8. Monitor your email for CCP Acceptance Information (subject line: CCP Acceptance)
  9. Once accepted, upload your acceptance letter to your funding application (due April 1)
  10. Log into your myLakeland account. After receiving your acceptance information, the following morning, you will receive additional emails from the Registrar's Office. These will include your login information (username and password), your Lakeland Student ID Number, and your Lakeland Student Email address.
  11. Complete the CCP Online Orientation & CCP Student Questionnaire. After receiving your acceptance information, you will receive additional emails from the Orientation Office. These will include how to access the online orientation. The CCP Student Questionnaire is included in the online orientation.
  12. Once the online CCP Orientation is completed, you can send an email to the Lakeland CCP Office at, for additional steps on how to select and register for classes.
  13. You will receive your Funding Letter by May 6. Make sure to email a copy of it to
Additional Information! 
  • Home school and Nonpublic school students MUST apply for CCP funding each academic year (deadline April 1) 
  • To participate in math courses through CCP, students must have successfully completed Algebra 2 and place into college-level math.
  • Students with accommodations (504 plans or IEP's) should contact Lakeland's Student Accommodation Center for more information.
  • All textbooks and access codes for CCP students taking classes on Lakeland's campus or online can be picked up at the Lakeland Bookstore. Students need to have a copy of their schedule and a photo ID. For more information, please refer to our resources for students, parents and counselors webpage.
  • Students that want to complete the Permission to Release Information form (FERPA), must go to the Student Service Center and complete the form in-person with a photo ID. 
  • Lakeland student ID cards are available in the Lakeland Library or the Lakeland Athletic & Fitness Center. Students need a copy of their schedule and a photo ID.
Other CCP Funding Resources

The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent or sexual nature that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs."





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