Study Tables

While tutoring focuses on helping students understand general course content, study tables provide supplemental instruction in a walk-in, group setting. Here, you can focus on learning and study strategies, and internalize course content to help ensure a passing grade in your specific class.

Study table sessions provide a learning environment where you can study alongside your classmates to deepen understanding of material while receiving guidance from a specialist in the content area.

Current Study Tables - Room A-1040a
MATH 1330, 1331, 1550, 1551 (Statistics)

Tuesday & Wednesday | noon - 1 p.m.

MATH 1650, 1651 (College Algebra)

Monday | noon - 1 p.m.
Thursday | 1-2 p.m.

Student Athletes

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | 3-4 p.m.

Staging Enabled