Crash Camp remote learning playlist

View a short video playlist to learn more about how Lakeland is going above and beyond to help our students succeed in distance learning environments!

What is Distance Learning?

Distance Learning is defined as when a portion or all of the instruction is delivered using technologies that permit the instructor and students to be separated by time and/or place. Unlike self-paced learning or correspondence courses, distance learning includes regular and substantive interaction between the student and instructor. Types of distance learning include: Online, Hybrid (a combination of Online and Face-to-Face), and Video Conferencing (IVDL).

Learn more about different classroom and schedule types offered at Lakeland.

For Students Living Outside Ohio

Students planning to sit for a licensure exam or transfer credits outside of the state of Ohio must know if the course or program they have elected to enroll in will meet any educational prerequisites, certifications, or professional licensure requirements in the state where they plan to practice the profession. Students should check with the appropriate licensing board in their state to make sure that they will be eligible to sit for a professional license or certification exam. For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Education website to find your state contact.



Ianny Martinez I came to Lakeland not knowing anything. I wanted to help people and I knew that I had to go to school to learn about health care. I am so happy that I did this. Lakeland changed my life. Ianny Martinez Medical Assisting

Elizabeth Brassell Lakeland opened the doors of opportunity for me to begin my future. Through Phi Theta Kappa I found my passion for leadership and service. Lakeland has molded me to embrace an unlimited future. Elizabeth Brassell Associate of Arts

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