Education is not one-size-fits-all. Everyone's journey is different. Lakeland is for everyone. We meet you where you are and help you along the path to your goal – with a convenient, affordable, quality education and holistic, wrap-around services to help you succeed.
Stay close to home and keep living your life while you take the first two or more years of coursework at Lakeland. Then, transfer into a Holden University Center partnership degree program to earn your bachelor's from leading four-year college partners, right on our campus!
By utilizing the CCP program I was able to save time and money while also ensuring transferability to a four-year college.
Our classes and instructors prepared us to think outside the box and really put our critical things skills to the test. You aren't just learning the materials, you are actually using your knowledge to solve the problems and being confident you know what to do next.
This community here at Lakeland has a great understanding of its students and their needs to succeed. It is this family that inspires me to be successful.