Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology & Urban Studies

Lakeland's Behavioral Sciences department provides students with an understanding of psychological and sociological principles and methods.

We prepare students to be lifelong learners and critical thinkers, and to apply psychological and sociological principles to improve themselves and their communities.


Psychology students can complete the Associate of Arts degree, which fulfills transfer module requirements for most four-year colleges and univesities in the state.

Urban Studies


Layce Artman I graduated with my associate degree from Lakeland while at the same time graduating as Valedictorian from high school. I plan to attend the Holden University Center to complete my bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Layce Artman College Credit Plus

Michelle Timms One thing I really love about Lakeland and being in the honors program is that the teachers have small classes and they are very devoted to their students. My friends at four-year institutions are taking the same intro classes that I am, but in large lecture halls with a lot more students. Michelle Timms Associate of Arts

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